Black and White

A Collaboration by artists at the Self Help Graphics, Cal State Fullerton, and Cal State Long Beach

Black and White Boxed Portfolio

This portfolio was initiated at the invitation of Self Help Graphics, a fine art atelier, founded  and administered by Sister Karen Boccallero. Located in East Los Angeles it has nurtured a generation of artists, primarily of Latino heritage by providing the means of editioning, exhibiting and selling their work.

Black and white was conceived by Donna Anderson and Pat Berberitch, instructors at Self Help Graphics. The goal was to expose the artists at Self Help Graphics to printmakers in the academic environment. We felt that both students and teachers would benefit from the exchange, which inevitably stimulates competitive energy initiates visual conversation, and opens a door to intercultural dialogue. It offers each participant a collection of prints in marvelous variations of style and expression as well as examples of technique to inspire.