Tipping Point

Tipping Point
By: Art Hazelwood
Book Size: 12 x 9" x 1-3/8" ;
Image Sizes: twenty nine screenprint images of varying size on forty four pages
Year: 2020
View a Vimeo presentation of Tipping Point
A linen-bound art book with original color screenprints conceived of and printed by Art Hazelwood. The book binder and three-dimensional conceptual artist is Asa Nakata, who in addition to the binding has designed the interactive pull-tab art piece for the final page of the book, involving magnets and string to emulate the motion of a guillotine.
The colophon reads: "The moneybag headed capitalist, the one-eyed pyramid dollar, and the Klan mask are used here as shorthand for the destructive powers arrayed against the people and the planet at this critical moment of economic inequality, racist xenophobia and environmental disaster. But a growing alternative power is also at play. Its [sic] a power that can chalLenge the fascists if only the sleeping giant can arise to otherthrow these forces and create a world that embraces all life.