Collection of broadsides, signed in the stone

Collection of broadsides, signed in the stone
These broadsides were initially done in small editions. The prints shown here were distributed in the thousands in Prussia, as leaflet sor posters. Printed on thin, brown, machine-made paper with the approximate sheet dimensions 410:310 mm. Sign
1) A mother sick in bed with her children before her. Translation:
The sick and her children. Malnutrition brought this woman into sick-bed - good care could make her healthy. What she needs is available in the country, but she can't pay the extortionate prices. What will happen to her children? The profiteering undermines the strength of countless people and brings them to an early grave. Do away with the profiteering! If you love your people and your fatherland, report every profiteerer mercilessly. All public prosectutor's offices and police authorities take your reports.
2) (Beim Arzt) At the doctor. Translation:
Doctor: The patient is undernourished. He needs milk, eggs, meat and fat on a daily basis. Mother: Doctor, I haven't got enough money, I can't even buy what is available on coupons. Doctor: That's how profiteering achieves the ruin of our youth. How can you watch this happening? Let us all join the fight against this worst enemy of the nation! Report every profiteer relentlessly. All public prosecutor's offices and police authorities take your reports.
3) Wehrt dem Hunger! Kauft Ernahrungsgeld [Fight against Hunger! Buy Food Coupons]
4) Mothers holding their sick children waiting to consult a physician.